
With Storm Ciarán now firmly in the distance,. Hopefully, we can now continue to enter cooler months a bit more peacefully and start undertaking those winter chores or whatever we do at this time of the year.

Thanks to all those that emailed, attended, and enjoyed last Saturday nights family social with an abundance of Sausage dogs and a terrific display of fireworks.  We managed to support BFD with a £100 donation that was raised on the night to which they were immensely pleased.  It was great to see the club up to full capacity with lots of new smiling members faces where conversations over the summers exploits and introductions were a paramount.  Thanks to all chefs and bar staff without you again these events are not possible.

Little bombardment of emails last night hopefully also gives you an in-site of other events to keep the club active for the members over the winter months.

So, Things to look forward to:-


Wed 15th Morning Coffee and cake 10.00-12.00 which seems to be also a competition to who can produce the best sausage roll.

Sat 25th Lorraine and Debbie 2 new club members have offered to undertake a new spin on the club quiz Please put your names and teams on the board. 4 per team and limited to 10 teams. Luxury prize for the winners. See notice board for details.

Mike moss trophy is once again up for grabs.  Last year’s winner was Polly Plowman with her blog entered into this year’s Bowsprit  ‘Do you know the mouth of the Deben’.  So, it’s all about entering a Log, Blog, or article about an experience or trip which would be of interest to the members photos optional. Entries to be in by 24th Dec for judging in Jan 24. So, thinking caps on and get pen to paper ASAP.

This year’s Photographic competition also underway for you happy snappers. 4 Categories this year with themes based on wildlife, boats, Water Sports, Local scenes. Sunsets are good but please don’t just base it on colours?

Entries as 7×5 prints with name and club membership no and category on the back and in an envelope marked Photo competition for the secretary again by 24th Dec please for judging in Jan 24. So, start rummaging for all those shots you made during the summer for suitability. Again, the judging will be done through the Manningtree Amateur Photographic Society.

I understand that one or two or three are requesting to use the club for personal get togethers and groupings for special occasions etc. Can I ask that you please submit a form which is on the web site and request through the proper channels (ie The House Manager). This helps to ensure that we have the bar stocks replenished and maintained , the cleaners informed of above normal requirements, and we can provide and ensure bar trained people are available and on the bar for the period this also avoids clashing of events of private and club events that could be on the premises.

There are No Volunteers specified on the spread sheet bar rota for this Fri Sat or Sun opening hours hopefully someone bar trained will be around last minute to take this up. Hope you all are enjoying drinking out of our array of new provided glasses which gives the beers that extra sparkle and clarity.

This year our Bar and Membership Management are to organise that we will hold a Christmas draw entries are £1 per square and the matrix grid will be posted up in the club lounge to enable your selection.

To avoid any confusion entries can be paid in with your bar purchases and added on the sum up machine so no excuses that I haven’t got any change or can I pay later. Draw to be done sat 23rd Dec @7.30pm. with proceeds of the draw going to the St Helena Hospice, there should be many prizes for the lucky takers, however also looking at those who may wish to offer to also donate prizes for this very worthy cause.

That’s enough from me for this week.

So, Commodore Colin Signing off