Hi and it’s Friday once again.

The weather has not been too kind to us for our recent run of events last weekend, but nothing was cancelled, and all went apparently well. For those that visited the Shanty Festival I hope your voices have all recovered from the sing a long and by all accounts it was very busy and well supported..

Due to the conditions a couple of boats dropped out of the curry cruise but made the attendance by alternative safer means of transport for the evening curry. Numbers were again well supported and the Last Anchor and Ziaka served us well.

The Micro worlds again went well , I haven’t received a full report, but a new name of The Evans is to be added to the engraving for the Micro Worlds Championships and The Gem Nationals , however after also winning the passage race, they are exempt as they had one the previous 2. Only Micro sailors can make up such such confusing rules for an event but well done and congratulations to them. Alo Thanks again to Martin and Jenny Pavey for their acceptance to be Officers of the Day.

For those that were drawn to the walls late Sunday afternoon to watch a spectacular recovery and rescue mission that drew all the emergency services of Fire, Police, Ambulance, Coastguard, and RNLI, to recover a person in a dinghy. This was remarkable and the person was returned to the shore still in good health. Lesson learnt is to review and check the tides before after and during any trip and be prepared. How often we all say it couldn’t happen to me !! (But it could!! ) so don’t be a statistic.

Heads up for the cruiser lift out Tuesday 31st October so those that are coming out please be prepared once again for this that once again the crew can make the operation go smoothly for you, and the 23rd October more importantly all tenders and canoes need removing from the compound (excluding those being used in lift out) to make sure that the space is clear for the cruiser allocations. (NO buts please)☹

Don’t currently have a volunteer for this Friday night bar duty but let’s hope someone comes forward to open up to make it a happy place.

For those that have seen the new screen there is a lot of current and information on RYA, local events etc, club information, offers, and community and police notices hopefully you will find these all interesting and informative to keep you all up to date.

The Rowers this week are in full preparation for event 3 of the Harker’s yard series and this week they travel to nearby West Mersea, perhaps next blog I can share where SSC currently sit in the series in their overall position, Who Knows maybe?

I said in the last blog about a sausage and mash night for bonfire night.

As we didn’t have a volunteer come forward to do it this year, I’m doing something different with Bangers and Fireworks a Simple Family Night, Hot Dogs @ £1.50 ea. and Fireworks in the distance over Brantham. The club will request for a small voluntary collection and that money raised will then be added to a club donation to the Brantham fireworks display Charity’s.

Please enter your name on the board so we get some sort of indication on numbers for an enjoyable Evening.

“PLEASE NO BUGGYS or PUSHCHAIRS UPSTAIRS IN THE BAR AREA” as it may be a bit of a squeeze !!

As it’s a family night so A Prize for the best child (Under 13) face painted or masked looking like a Guy or Halloween Gooley.

I personally want to thank Gerry Garner in undertaking such a thankless task and I’m sure he would be open for assistance if anyone sees him doing this in the future . What’s that for I hear you cry! Well, it’s the sweeping and de greening of the hard to ensure that the mud and green disappears and its not so slippery for your dinghy launching.

This he has done for several years now and when we see it clear we all assume its cleared through the tide etc. and mud fairy’s. That’s not the case and Gerry religiously sweeps this with his yard broom throughout the summer months, so thank you very much Gerry from us all we really appreciate this.

There is still lots of things to do.

So that’s enough and signing off now.

Commodore Colin