The Club Bar

The focal point of many of our social activities, is located on the first floor above the Parlour. It is a well appointed space with comfortable seating and a balcony with expansive views of the river, which is an excellent vantage point for watching the starts and finishes of our races.  

The bar is staffed by volunteers without which the bar could not open.  If you feel like volunteering, training is given, please contact

Richard Martin on 07714846204 

Stour Sailing Club Bar Opening Hours


Day Lunch Evening
Monday 12:00 – 14:30 Closed
Tuesday 12:00 – 14:30 Closed
Wednesday 12:00 – 14:30 18:00 – 21:00
Thursday 12:00 – 14:30 Closed
Friday 12:00 – 14:30 18:00 – 21:00
Saturday 12:00 – 15:00 Closed
Sunday 12:00 – 15:00 Closed

These hours may be varied from time to time for events such as regatta, racing and specific social events, etc. Please also note hours may be reduced at short notice by bar staff at their discretion.

Darren Hicks – Clubhouse Manager


The Parlour

The clubhouse parlour is a popular daily meeting point for a chat and a coffee.  The room is very comfortable and offers excellent views of River Stour.  It is extensively in use for many of the Sailing Club Events throughout the year.

There is a small library in the room and members can borrow any books and return them at their leisure.

There are occasions when the parlour can be requested for a member’s private use – details of this are on the member’s page of the website.
If you wish to discuss anything regarding the parlour please contact Darren Hicks, Clubhouse Manager via email on or via phone on 07872346918

Major Refurbishment 2021

During the Covid closedown during 2021 a complete refurbishment of the toilet and shower facilities in the the clubhouse was carried out. This work also included a complete reroofing of the toilet area of the clubhouse plus redecoration of the hall, stairs and landing. The pictures show the before and after.