Pontoon Policy

SSC Members and visitors pontoon policy

Following recent committee meetings and the almost completion of all the phases of the pontoon plan and an enormous amount of hard work we are in the situation where rules and policy guidelines needs to be put in place.
This is with regards to the use of our now extended waterside facilities.
Some will have already taken advantage of the early usage of the access and egress and berthing procedures and realise what a great asset that these are now to our club. It is important that they now need to be managed equally well as all our mooring and compound facilities.
We therefore have collectively put together having reviewed and consulted with other clubs that have and offer a similar set of rulings and policy to their members.
These attached rulings (please click on the above attachment) are for your immediate perusal and understanding and will be enforced from 1st December 2023.
Any member or visiting yacht persons shall also receive a copy of this document or guided to the web site location when booking or making payment to ensure that compliance of the policy is met at all times when staying and using the facilities.
Many thanks
SSC Commodore & the Committee.   15th November 2023


Kind Regards
Colin G
Tel no 07958 568588