As another Bank Holiday weekend is looming, and the weather is forecast to be perfect for any water activities why not embrace it and celebrate with a glass of Prosecco at the club this Friday Night. The bar will be open from 6pm and this week the Commodore will be on duty to serve you.
Saturday afternoon sees the Beach Party being run by the Manningtree Mermaids in conjunction with SWIM. Safe Water in Manningtree to establish our local waters with bathing rights and to discourage and ban the release of sewage into our waters. They need your support so come along from 3pm to show some support and have some fun.
Saturday also sees those with larger keel boats racing in the Cork Sands race off Harwich so good luck to those who are flying under our club ensign.
Bar will be open at lunch times over the period by our stalwart volunteers as normal .
There are no club events planned this weekend in the club Calendar but I feel sure that those that have crafts or wish to be out on the water in either canoes , rowing or paddle boarding will have an enjoyable weekend.
So have fun and stay safe and hopefully see you all out there at some point.