Safeguarding Policy and Procedures
As part of our new Safeguarding Policy and Procedures we are delighted to inform you that Dr Jocasta Webb has volunteered to act as the Club’s Welfare Officer. This is a non-Committee role and will be managed by Jocasta in the strictest confidence. Jocasta will also ensure that the Committee maintains actively involved in ensuring the Club meets it’s commitment to ensure the safeguarding of all members.
Dr Jocasta Webb has worked as a psychotherapist for over 20 years, currently as a Trauma Specialist Psychotherapist. She is also a Consultant Psychotherapist and Clinical Lead for a fostering agency, owner of a wellbeing company called Headroom that provides training, therapy and mindfulness experiences to schools, businesses and the community, and she is in the process of publishing her first book in a series that aims to improve emotional awareness and resilience in children, called The Four Faces of Love. Jocasta studied psychology at the University of Manchester, then completed a PhD in medical imaging of the brain at the University of Liverpool, and subsequently completed her Postgraduate in Counselling and Psychotherapy at the University of East London.
As well as being a member and volunteer at SSC, she is also involved in PACE, being on the organising committee for the Manningtree Earth Festival, and with her children has had some involvement with My Blue Pass.
The contact details for Jocasta are and mobile number is 07813101932
All of the Club’s Policies and Procedures can be viewed on Member’s Page of the Club’s website. Should you have any problems accessing the Member’s Page please contact Gus Wilde on or phone him on 07572104835
Please do take the time to read through this new policy and procedure as well as all of the other Club’s policies.