Sorry it’s Late

With the nights closing in and activity’s getting less you would like to think the blog would get shorter, putting that all aside there is still a lot to get through as things are still happening so I will try and keep them brief.

You may not get this blog till into the weekend as our IT web stars have been off in warmer climes and won’t be back in time to cover Fridays Bar duties. However, wouldn’t make much difference as no volunteers have put their name down? Let’s hope someone takes it up last minute and we also get coverage over the weekend.

So, I previously mentioned our IT Web stars being away,  more in depth report hopefully to follow as first week was Rowing round Loch Ness and other Scottish waters ( will they have found Nessi ? ) and second week slightly further afield and canoeing off the coast round Menorca, certainly a strenuous fortnight by the sounds of things and probably looking forward for a rest on their return. More on that later.


Last weekend saw another fine event in Quay St.  This is to extend a big thank you to all of you who volunteered and helped the Club to host the first event in this year’s Harker’s Yard Gig Association Winter Race Series.

It was a fantastic day and we had a record twenty gigs racing here on the day and close to two hundred visiting rowers from sailing and rowing Clubs all around the Essex Coast. You all pulled together to make the day run like clockwork, from launching and retrieving the Gigs, race control, safety boats, photography running the bar and in the kitchen and serving food making sure that everyone was well fed.

It was an amazing effort from everyone and showed Stour Sailing Club at its best.

We have had so much positive feedback from visiting rowers about the whole event and especially the warm welcome extended by the Club.

Thank you again – we couldn’t do it without you!


Curry cruise all on track with a slight change when the three wise men approached Shotley to stay on the Friday night there was no room in the inn so they have had to resort to continue further round the corner where the star shone over Levington. The meal now will be on the light ship as hosts of  Haven Ports Yacht Club for the Friday moving on Saturday to the Haven Marina and Zaika for the evening returning back Sunday.

This is due to lots of visitors to the area coming across the river to attend the shanty festival at Harwich Town.


Something missing as we travel along Quay St now, the marquee is all down and packed away for next year (Well done Team)  while undertaking the dismantling it was also surveyed and it was found that there are a number of wear holes in the fabric which will need repair and sections replaced prior to going back up next year,. Good to know that that is all in good hands.


14 th 15th Oct also sees another annual event THE MICRO WORLDS our fleet of master sailors will be once again battling for the prestigious position of The Micro Worlds Champion 23, Hopefully the numbers will be increased from last year and the competition fierce.

Last week saw our ladies from coffee and cake visit the Coxwain and the Harwich lifeboat crew and make the donation of £155 pounds raised at the recent event. They were joined by Russell Harvey and John Huggett who had a further donation of £150 from the rowers for monies that  were to be paid to John for some fine works undertaken and repairs to some oars. He chose not to take payment but to donate also to the we’ll done there. We also had the collection from the bar which in the boat on the bar was another £50.00 so those contributions might go a small way in keeping our local service of volunteers  going for a little bit.


The HASA APM was last week and our River rep which liaise with all the rivers sailing clubs Peter the knife Eliston has retired and I have now taken up this role Will keep you informed of what’s going on locally.


This weekend we had a pontoon bash to make some progress on the completion of the project Thanks to those 6 that turned up to make a difference a hard days work done saw the numbers fall to eventually end up with only one standing in the dark.


Well that’s enough for now, have a good week and stay safe out there!


Commodore Colin

2023-10-09T18:52:10+01:00October 8th, 2023|General News|

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