SSC Member’s and Visitors use of Pontoons


All planned use of the pontoons by members must be agreed with the Mooring Master in advance.

Mooring up against the pontoon for members is allowable for up to 7 nights in the summer period (this is the period between lift in and lift out from the west compound usually April to October)

This is only to be taken in periods of up to a maximum of 3 consecutive nights. This allowance is determined for maintenance and emergency repairs work and is only applicable for eligible paid-up members with an annual paid mooring.

Outside of this allowance period, members will be allowed a single night stay with no return within 2 nights. Those paid-up members without a mooring will have no rights to the berthing or stays on the pontoon and shall be treated as a visitor and paying the appropriate fees.

In the winter period those members as paid mooring holders that are still in the water will be entitled following consultation with the Mooring Master make request to be able to use the pontoon short term at the Mooring Master’s discretion dependant on tide and weather conditions.

Pontoons must be vacated for the club usage and events, dates of which can be viewed on the club website or on notice boards.

Boats exceeding their stay, or whose stay has not been agreed with the Mooring Master, or are not replying to correspondence requests such as e-mail or text messaging, will be removed from the pontoon by the club back to their mooring or an alternative location and a charge of £20 levied. Should the member request further pontoon usage in the future this entitlement may be declined based on the previous behaviour.

While using the pontoon these shall always be kept clean and tidy, at all times and all wastes shall be disposed of by using proper methods and not discarded on the pontoon or in the compounds or river.

Members shall note and report any damage to the club’s pontoons and notify the mooring master immediately that this can be rectified.

There shall be NO emptying of sea toilets in the vicinity of the pontoons or moorings.

Especial care should be taken on refuelling of craft and there should be no spillage or disposals of fuels oils or lubricants and chemicals while on the pontoon berths to avoid contamination and pollution.

Care should also be given and respect to all wildlife in and around the pontoon area. There shall be no fishing from the pontoon at any time.

Members and users shall take care and be considerate of other users, maximising space on the pontoon and be respective of noise.

Members and Visitors should be respectful of the services on the pontoon Electricity and Water and ensure that it is turned off when not in use. Costs of these facilities will be included within the chargeable fees while you are on the pontoon berth.

Under no circumstances should the gate access codes be given to anyone to him or them that are not using the facilities and care should remain that the access gate should be closed at all times for yours and others security of both boats and possessions.

Should we have a large number of visitor’s, members will be requested to return to their moorings. There may be exceptions to these rules but ONLY on prior consultation and by agreement by the Mooring Master.

Visitor use of pontoons

All use of the pontoons by visitors must be agreed with the Mooring Master in advance. There will be a £12.50 a night charge, payable in the clubhouse. Stays may be for a duration of up to 3 nights at a time and no return within in 7 nights.

Visitors on pontoons will have access to the clubhouse facilities 24hrs for kitchen and bathroom usage. Which we request that these are left as they are found in a clean hygienic and respectable manner.

Should there be a situation of an unfortunate incident there is a First Aid and Accident Book for completion in the corridor by the gent’s toilet, and also a Defibrillator should this be necessary.

In certain circumstances there may be exceptions to these rules but ONLY on prior agreement again by the Mooring Master.


SSC Members and visitors pontoon policy