Since late 2019 we have been in consultation with the Manningtree Town Council, Tendring Council, Highways, County Councillors’, and the Environment Agency re the parking of vehicles in front of the Clubhouse on the hatched Keep Clear area. We had put in numerous objection letters of their intentions to at first red line and then to revert to yellow line restrictions, and we had a signed petition from members supporting that this was unnecessary.
This month I obtained correspondence from Highways that informed the club that we had lost our appeal and that in the coming weeks the enforcement would take place.
On Wednesday 12th of February 25 at 11.00-13.00pm I hope that you all have noticed the difference that 2 prominent Yellow Lines have been added to the grid which enforces the new now restrictions.
Please read below the Bold Text. Please also see attached the Sealed Order.
Item 238 of the Highway Code stipulates that waiting restrictions indicated by yellow lines apply to the carriageway, pavement, and verge. You may stop to load or unload (unless there are also loading restrictions) or while passengers board or alight.
Double yellow lines mean no waiting at any time, unless there are signs that specifically indicate seasonal restrictions. The times at which the restrictions apply for other road markings are shown on nearby plates or on entry signs to controlled parking zones. If no days are shown on the signs, the restrictions are in force every day including Sundays and Bank Holidays. The waiting restriction that is proposed under this report is to be in force every day, including Sundays and Bank Holidays.
What this means is if you continue to park in the area in front of the ramp and are caught by the enforcement officer and photographed you will be eligible for a fine of possibly over £100.
Please note that the club will not hold itself liable for anyone who parks and gets a fine while visiting the club, so watch out and be aware.