Proposed Mussel Beds
An application has been made to DEFRA by Wash Mussels Limited to be granted an exclusive right of mussel fishery under section 1 of the Sea Fisheries (Shellfish) Act 1967. Follow this link to the applicant’s solicitors’ web-site in order to access:-
A draft of the proposed order
A copy of the management plan of the proposed fishery
An Environmental Statement prepared by the late Dr Ziggy Otto formerly of Countryside Council for Wales and University of Wales Swansea.
A Supplementary Environmental Statement prepared by Dr Otto in response to comments by Natural England on the Environmental Statement
Any comments representations or objections relating to these proposals or the information submitted in support of them should be forwarded to Quality Solicitors Parkinson Wright Unit 4 Abbey Lane Court Evesham WR11 4BY quoting PGS/LCD/69739 and to the DEFRA Shellfish Aquaculture Team at Area 8A 17 Smith Square London SW1P 3JR within one month of the proposals first being advertised.
The illustration chart shown on this page has been copied from the Environmental Statement contained in the link above in order to give members a simple introduction to the location of the proposed beds. Greater detail is shown in the document.