Hi Everyone

Another update of present and past to keep you aufait of the goings-on.

Last Sunday afternoon saw the completion of the triangle race for some of our members that raced from Harwich to Oostende to Ramsgate and return. Disappointed that I was unable to compete myself but Ian P on Katla flew the flag for the club and came 3rd in class 3 and 5th overall and I’m told it was a trip of a lifetime and some fine close racing and he hasn’t stopped talking about it since his return. The Harvey’s on 40 Love, 3rd in class 1 but 7th overall well done all.

Lots of others all on trips away and cruising our east and south coast shores, leaving our club bar to sample the delights of a spoons cruise visiting as many Weatherspoon pubs as you can on route to their destinations.

Ted Mark and Dave L are all off down to Hayling Island with Ken Ward to pick up and sail back his new vessel a (Gibsea) while Kelvin and Adrian are off sailing down in the opposite direction to explore the south coast ports and currently tied up in Brighton. Won’t be long to be greeted by the membership secretary (Sarah and Hugo real soon )

Amazing day yesterday for those that celebrated the summer solstice as the sun rose at 4pm on Manningtree beach (I’m told it was amazing ) and the sun set at 21.35pm was equally enjoyable. Thanks to Submarine Bob (Leeds) and Annie Lister that provided an excellent amount and array of finely cooked BBQed food and also drinks for his personal guest and all the members that had also attended. Cheers to you both!.

So that now brings us to what’s happening now going forward :-

We are still short on volunteers on the bar with so many away , so I shall be doing the bar this Friday from 6pm when I shall be assisted by a reasonably new member Chris who will be learning our ropes behind the bar. This is not new for him and has more than adequate experience to carry out the requirements, so thanks for making yourself available Chris and he will be looking forward to serving you the members on his inaugural night.

Saturday from lunch time we have the Pride day on the beach and around the town with lots of activities, music bands sports etc for you to choose from from 12.00 till 6pm , The event, which is being organised by Rowan Hunter, who owns the Estuary Wine Bar in Manningtree High Street, will include several fun activities Manningtree Pride will see spots around the town host different events from sports to art and talks. Families will also have the chance to learn about the LGBTQ+ community.

During High Tide, the club has in the calendar another casual race on the agenda contact the sailing secretary if you’re interested meet at the sailing club at about 3pm for anticipated briefing. We seem to be short of participants this year

Sunday this week I have nothing to report of any other events and think we all need time to have a break and play with our own crafts and enjoy some time relaxing on the water. Bar will be open at lunch time only.

So, until next week then

Take care and enjoy the sun.

Commodore Colin