Good afternoon

How is it possible that we are changing the clocks again this weekend . it seems like only yesterday that we were welcoming in all that extra daylight and more excitedly anticipating a long hot summer- gullible fools that we were.

So, now the things to look forward to imminently regarding events where some will be involved, for the weekend many will be practicing their stylish pumpkin carving and celebrating the Halloween. There are no events which are specified for the club but I’m sure that when visiting the bar you will be in for a scary time. This Friday evening, we have James B as the host Barman for the session, Special offer of a free lemonade with every Shandy, please come down and tend your support and make it worthwhile a great opportunity to also sample the Adnams Old Ale a sheer delight if you like dark beers.

Saturday and Sunday hopefully members that have craft trailers and canoes still in the compound will need to have them removed to make access for the preparation of lift out next week. The program is on the board and all boat owners should have been informed of their slots.

Please when cleaning down your boats and removing the barnacles can we please sweep them up for disposal and not leave them laying on the ground if on the tarmac for the compound managers to deal with. The shale left often then filters its way into the storm pump reservoir which disposes of the ponding water, and it becomes easily blocked and again its more work to deal with. I don’t need to ask you, but I will.  With cruisers in the compound in the dark is a great target for thieves and is becoming an issue in other boat yards as a target for thieves and items to go missing at this time of the year, please don’t fall victim by leaving anything of value on your boat in view and also close the gate please it maybe not your equipment that they want ?

For those that frequent the south side corner of the bar, The trophy cabinet that was looking  a bit empty for a while has been replenished with the trophy’s that have been cleaned and had further engraving of the winning holders for the various events we have held in the year, thanks to Ian P,  Kelvin H, Mr Sheen & J Cloth for arranging and undertaking the work needed.

Don’t forget Saturday 4th November club and bar will be open that evening from 18.30 for a family night where we will be serving Hot Dogs and drinks to then watch the Brantham Fireworks display at out 7.30-7-45 from our side of the river. So put your names down on the list so we get an idea of the numbers etc.  Treat yourself,  and you can always see Strictly on catch up!!

That’s all for me this week,  don’t forget your clocks this Saturday and have a good week.

Stay safe! And be careful out there

Commodore  Colin