Hi!  Here we are again
Disappointing as it seems, nobody came forward to do the bar last week and there is no name down for this week either, although this weekend is the Tendering show and it’s an art show again on for those with an interest again this evening. Who knows members may turn up for a quick one on the way home again like I thought would happen last week ?
So lots going on in the area and up the show ground but not so much on the water again.
No local racing but further afield its the Felixstowe Regatta where the Keel boaters will be out in Dovercourt Bay once again wrangling for good results. Good luck to the Katla crew and Ginge with the Harvey Bothers once again who represent the club at this auspicious event.
Last weekend they represented once again in the Britannia race from Harwich to Lowestoft and came an amazing 3rd place overall so well done again .
Special well done to Simon Garner and crew who went even further afield, and last weekend competed in the gruelling Round the Island race (Round the Isle of White) in His Trapper ” Bushwacker ” and came 91st overall in group 27 ISC rating div 8A came 8th so great result for him too.
Kelvin and Sarah have commenced their trip back from the south coast on Charisma only to be delayed by severe winds for the return passage their anticipated return will be soon but currently in Eastbourne.
This week we saw approval of 3 new members . Lindsay Hutchings, Gemma Pryke, and Nigel Edmunds , So big warm welcome to them and we hope to see you all out on the water and not just up in the bar.
Not a great deal else to report on the good front,  but here we go on the bad front
Within 2 weeks we have had 2 incidents where severe injury’s could have been sustained. I shall not go into detail but please be careful out there and don’t put yourselves at risk. If you don’t know learn or ask and get trained.
New members and old we all need reminding that the last one out of the compound shuts the flood gate and winds it up don’t leave it open. 1 its for security and 2 it’s our responsibility to comply in line with the Environmental Authority flood protection guidelines even if its low tide.
That goes also for the gate to the pontoons always keep this closed that’s what its there for so that people who visit and stay on there have their crafts protected from theft etc and infestation of small children jumping all over their crafts with muddy feet.
Should you use the dishwasher in the parlour please remember to empty it, and put the plates and mugs away it doesn’t do it on its own and don’t put dirty cups in on the clean washed ones. This hadn’t happened for a while but is now becoming again more frequent please
Enough Gripe!!
So, enjoy the weather, Enjoy the show if you go and if you’re on the water stay safe and well!
See you all soon
Commodore Colin