12 events found.
Dinghy, Micro & Yacht Racing Spring Series – Start Time
Stour Sailing ClubCake and Coffee
Stour Sailing ClubMBP – RYA Course
Stour Sailing ClubThis is not a S.S.C event.
Social Row (+Paddle, Kayak, Sail!) and Bring and Share Supper
Stour Sailing ClubSocial row, paddle, kayak or sail. HW 17.00. On the water at 15.00 followed by bring and share supper from 18.00 under the marquee. Contact Rowing Secretary for more details on rowing@stoursailingclub.co.uk
Dinghy, Micro & Yacht Racing – Spring Series
Stour Sailing ClubMistley & Lawford Parish Councils’ Jubilee Party In the Park
Welcome Home FieldFrom 22.00 there will be fireworks from Quay Street
Dinghy, Micro & Yacht Racing – Spring Series
Stour Sailing ClubSSC Quiz Evening
Stour Sailing ClubCake and Coffee Jubilee Theme
Stour Sailing ClubMBP – RYA Course
Stour Sailing ClubThis is not a S.S.C event.