Coffee and Cake
Coffee morning is this coming Wednesday 15th May 10am - noon The charity we are supporting this month is WeCare the Wildlife Rescue Charity which also looks after our lovely swans. Look forward to seeing you there.
Coffee morning is this coming Wednesday 15th May 10am - noon The charity we are supporting this month is WeCare the Wildlife Rescue Charity which also looks after our lovely swans. Look forward to seeing you there.
Afternoon Tea Smoked salmon with dill cream cheese Ham & mustard mayonnaise Cucumber & mint Egg mayonnaise & chives Sausage roll S c o n e s Vanilla Sultana Served with clotted cream & Tiptree preserve. Black forest mousse Spiced carrot cake with
President’s Cup Race Sunday 7th July 2024 First start: 12.00 (noon) All welcome; Micros, Yachts, Classics, Canoes, SUPs, etc If it floats we can get you a start! Start will be down river from Hook (but upriver from #3) No crowded club line
It is nearly time for the 2024 Regatta. The event features Sail Racing in the afternoons of both Days and on the Sunday morning we make the most of the Manningtree Mud with Mud Sports and the Children's Beach Takeover. You will find
Cake and Coffee
As a tradition begins to form, the last outing for SSC is the Curry Cruise This is open to all members whether you sail to Ipswich or use a different form of transport! This annual event is a firm favourite details to follow
Dear Member 84th Annual General Meeting of the Stour Sailing Club I am pleased to confirm that the AGM will be held on Tuesday 25th March 2025 at 7.30 pm in the upstairs room at The Red Lion, Manningtree. The AGM is a
Micro racing weekend to start the sailing year. A few short races to blow the cobwebs out.
Micro race on the evening tide. Course set using club course card, starting from the club line.
Weekend race for Micros. Course set using club course card, starting from the club line.
Weekend race for Micros. Course set using club course card, starting from the club line.