Commodores November Communication

 Good Morning on this blustery overcast day.

The nights now pulling in and the weather looking gloomy for the unforeseeable future perhaps the commodores blog will try and inspire some cheer as we reminisce on some of the recent events and enjoyment had.
One good thing at this time of the year is the clarity of reading the tide tables where we don’t have to worry any longer of whether we have to add or not the extra day light hour which always adds to confusion for some.
Since my last blog I shall recap on some of the recent activities
Weekend of 8th /9th Oct saw the Micro World championships with our fleet of local boats and racers competing for their ultimate gold and the precious trophy. This saw some fine weather which added to some fine racing making it a great fun event. Officers of the day Martin and Jenny Pavey setting some fine courses in parallel to the tide and wind conditions. This saw the reigning champions Ian and Steph Bloomfield knocked from the pedestals by Rihanna and Holly Pavey as this year’s champions. Well done to them!
15th /16th Oct saw the annual trip to Ipswich for the curry cruise. Only 5 boats participated but more supported the event as driver’s rather than sailors. This saw the normal Passage to India not being able to support us as in previous years but alternative sourcing, the restaurant The Ziaka did a fine job and was confirmed as a great alternative. Another good weekend without any major or minor incidents occurring.
19th October saw another inordinate gathering for the club coffee and cake morning where proceeds this time went to the club but on previous occasions donations have been made to Acorn Village and McMillan appeal local charities where letters of thanks have now been received and have been pinned on the notice board for your perusal. The next one is 16th November and any proceeds will be donated to the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.
29th October was the Quiz Night 5 teams battling out their General Knowledge from questions from Liza the quiz master. This needs a little more support to keep these events going. There will not be one in November but the quiz master will be sourcing some new questions for one in December date to be announced watch the boards for details
5th November Saw the end of season Sausage and Mash supper well done the chefs and organisers who I’m told have been cooking sausages for 20 years plus.
A sell out event so in future watch the boards as when the lists go up its first come basis due to the restricted number’s unfortunately. Being successful we were able to contribute the sum of £100 to the Brantham fireworks appeal toward their fine display and bonfire which was enjoyed and seen by all.

Coming up now is 18th November the Saucy Night seats still available for this Gig so get your names down on the list on the board at the top of the stairs. Pay the team on the night for this outstanding night of different cuisine, with veggie options available.

Emails have already gone out about west compounds clearance and preparation has commenced ready for the lift out plans to fine-tuned by the operations team (Kelvin H and Will L). Please check the board for times of your craft lift out for the 22nd 23rd and 24th November and make sure that you and your boats equipment are prepared.

The Mike Moss Trophy (Current Holder Keith Paxman) is again at this time up for grabs where members will write a blog on their summer experiences on travels etc. to share with the members. The winner is the recipient of the auspicious plate trophy and the article gets published in Bowsprit in the spring edition. So start compiling your notes and article now! (no 5* holiday sorry)
Same goes for the annual Photographic Competition where there are 5 categories and the winning prints will be framed and put up in the club bar area. These consist of the following categories: –
1, Reflection or landscape view, 2, Black and White, 3, Night category, 4, Boat Category, 5, Animal category. Send your shot entries in with your name / contact and where it was taken and which category you wish it to be entered please to make it easy.
Both these need to be received by the closing date 9th January 2023 with Winners announced 29th January2023. (Please place in the committee post sleeve by the board at the top of the stairs)

The most Important prestigious event of the year is the Dinner Dance at Wivenhoe House again 18th February 2023 this year, the details will also go on the board next week with menu choices etc. Its (black tie optional) 3 course dinner, Prosecco on arrival. Disco and background music provided and live saxophonist Jonny Poole will be doing his stuff. £45.00 per head.
Coach transport will be provided from various pick up points on route (no detours) at additional cost optional to make travelling easier and safer. Or Options of staying overnight are available where room discounts for our event will be given by WH but you will need to self-book.
I am hoping that the tables will organise themselves so why not be a table manager and host it with 4 other couples? so the intention is for 10 tables of 10 people. 4 tables have already gone and confirmed so let’s get thinking to getting this party started. I can get a further 2 if demand is exceptional. This for all members Sailors Rowers Fishermen Canoeists Paddle Boarders and social members, so don’t be shy and see what the other lot do and an opportunity to meet others especially good time to get introduced to the new members.
I will send a further e-mail out when this goes on the board waiting responses but I am trying to devise a simpler method of possibly booking on line if possible.

That’s all from me for the moment, don’t forget to support the bar openings and all the up and coming events, It’s your club and without you and the other members we wouldn’t be here so its import to maintain the encouragement, backing and praise that the inspirations can continue for the future years.

See you all about and around

Till then stay well & safe

Commodore ………. Out.