Commodore’s Notes October

Recycling – as a Club we would like to be as active as possible with regard to recycling and to start things off David Warner, our Clubhouse Manager, has installed 2 recycling boxes on the ground floor under the defibrillator. Please make every effort to use them.


Mooring Chains – those of you who have moorings will be fully aware of your responsibilities to manage and maintain your mooring tackle.  However, we still do see some pretty poor examples from time to time and there is one such example in the bar at the moment.

This chain was taken from a mooring when the boat attached to it broke loose – you will not be too surprised when you see the chain.

Luckily the boat was very quickly rescued by 2 diligent club members who happened to be around at the time and no damage was caused, but, it could have been a very different story.

We cannot emphasise enough the need to ensure you have appropriate mooring tackle that is fit for purpose and that it is regularly checked.  If you have any questions or concerns please contact Brian Rogers, Mooring Master, on 07756976565.


Dates for the Diary

12/13 October – Micro Worlds

16 October – Macmillan Cancer Support Coffee Morning 10.30 – 12.00 – please come along with as many friends as you can muster so that we can raise lots of money for this worthy cause.

19 October – Pie and Pudding evening – there is a list on the board

26th October – Coffee with Cops – 10.30 – 12.00 – come along to chat with your local PCSO

27th October – Harkers Yard Gig Racing – first race of the Winter Series

2nd November – the bar will be open in the evening so that we can watch the Brantham fireworks.

4 nd November – Please make sure to remove your tenders, etc. from the west compound by this date ready for the Liftout on the 13th. 14th, and 15th of November.

9th November – Bangers and Mash night – there will be a list on the notice board soon.

18th April 2020 – SSC Dinner at Wivenhoe House – more to follow.


Sarah Howlett

Commodore                07701080738