Further to my recent blog re the Presidents Cup race scheduled for this weekend, It is with regret to the fact that we have had no interest or anticipated entries that we again have to postponed this race.
I am therefore opening this up to members to then come forward to propose a preferred date, to when we can run this race.
The dates scheduled of good and suitable tides will be Saturday 27th August Bank Holiday Weekend or Sunday 11th September.
In order to run the race we are looking to have a sufficient number of mixed classes of yachts run on a handicap bases similar to the regatta with the pursuit race ?
It was also anticipated that we would hold a BBQ for members and participants while the marquee and good weather is with us.
Can you please respond with your interest in competing in this auspicious event where the challenge for the trophy will be presented on the day chosen by the Widow (Di Brown), in memory of our past Stour Sailing Club President (Gerry Brown).
Please Email to    cmgcommodore@gmail.com    with the date preferred and type and class of boat. Again, course will be set on the day starting on the club line at approx. 11.15am and will be restricted to the River Stour on a single tide.
Those without Email (please get one ) put a note in the committee box at the top of the stairs. Dead line is 20th August please
Look forward to receiving your responses. Again, NO entries NO race! unfortunatly!
Colin G
Standing by