Re – President Cup Race

Another regret mail I am afraid from my previous e-mail. From the request on the dates either the 27th August or 11th September the response has been very poor which is very disappointing.
So we had 2 entries for 27th which I am afraid it would be totally unacceptable to organise, run or compete so it will not be going ahead next weekend on the Bank Holiday weekend, but the Club and Bar will be open for Members and Guests.
The Sunday 11th September we have the possible entries of 4 no craft,  having shown interest. I unfortunately will be away any new additions to the start line please e mail me so I can forward to the race organisers.
Start approx. 11.15 on the club line with a course to be decided upon on the day. There will be a handicap system in place TBC
1/ Gerry Garner   Iroquois   Makeda
2/ Jenny Pavey     Micro       ??
3/ DCK Richard Martin   ………        Dolma
4/ Ed Evans    Micro    ???
I was intending to have a BBQ for members after for the presentation of the cup but as I am away, I shall not be able to organise this unless someone else comes forward to include it in the days event.
So as the date is now confirmed above can we please have a few more entries to support this inaugural race in memory of our past President.
If you can’t race or don’t sail the event will still require help and assistance to organise, so please offer and advise of your availability on the same e mail address
Colin G