General News

30 01, 2023

Advanced Notification Stour Sailing Club AGM

2023-01-30T14:16:09+00:00January 30th, 2023|General News|

Advanced Notification Stour Sailing Club AGM In compliance with section 6 of the SSC club constitution Rules and Bye Laws, and Rule 6.1.  I as Commodore, hereby give notice that the Clubs Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on 27th March 2023 at

30 01, 2023

Update on Photographic Competition/Mike Moss Trophy

2023-01-30T13:41:05+00:00January 30th, 2023|General News|

Update on Photographic Competition/Mike Moss Trophy  Just to keep you all informed as many have been inquisitive on when it is to be judged I am awaiting an update on availability of the judge this week hopefully. We have the received the following

10 01, 2023

Dinner Dance Wivenhoe House 2023 Cancellation

2023-01-10T10:12:51+00:00January 10th, 2023|General News|

2023 DINNER DANCE WIVENHOE HOUSE Following this evening's committee meeting it is with regret and disappointment that I have to confirm that I have no alternative than for the good of the club to cancel the above. Firstly, through the lack of confirmed

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