Busy on the Beach

Hi Everyone

Hopefully,  you’re all well and you’re all liking the blogs giving snapshots of the past and also the future activities throughout the summer weeks without having to search or ask for it.

On the subject of asking, Volunteers are still requested for bar duties especially Fridays and Wednesday evenings. In particular we need to sustain bar serving presence throughout the regatta so please make your times of availability known to Richard or Caroline please in advance.

Last weekends events all went well with fine attendances to another show at Tendring, and also our attendances at the Felixstowe Regatta. Winds and conditions were in favour for the smaller race boats and a good overall performance once again from the Katla Crew. Results not confirmed but believe 1st in class.

Congratulations need also to be said to My Blue Pass the Charity Sailing instruction group that won the major prize at the Tendring show for their services to provide the instruction to children between 8 and 16 in water sports but also for the stand at the show award. For that recognition we will be donating our next coffee and cake surplus collection funds which is this Wednesday 19th July to their cause. Yes, this Wednesday 19th July.

This weekend see’s the marquee and beach areas hopefully fully capacitated where the Manningtree Beer Festival is again to be held for the areas beer enthusiasts to sample the brews. Another fines selection of 40 craft beers from various regions and 15 ciders of various alcoholic percentages to ensure that a taxi home is the only option. And if there isn’t your favourite tipple you could resort to a glass of Prosecco or wine. There will be food and live music so lets hope the weather stays fine and it all goes well and CHEERS to another great event for them.

Good to see Grey Goose has finally left the pontoon and is now back on the mooring, Well done Toby for liaising with Tom on that one.

The Commodore is on a cruise next week and will be forming part of the crew on Charisma, which is now back from the south coast, where we will also be accompanied with Pied Beauty from Shotley Marina.  The plan is to take in the Yacht Clubs on the East Coast which will take in Lowestoft, Southwold, and maybe Aldeburgh, so I will not be available to deal with any issues over the next few days and the blog next week may also go amiss. Should be fun!

Meanwhile we are actively working on our major event of the year the regatta so please consider where you can help and assist and contact Caroline accordingly. Also consider the events and think about early entries for the racing and also getting fit and ready for the Tug of War , mud sports and river dash.

Enjoy the weekend and stay safe.

Catch up again right soon.

Commodore Colin

Standing by