
About Webmaster

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So far Webmaster has created 82 blog entries.
30 01, 2023

Advanced Notification Stour Sailing Club AGM

2023-01-30T14:16:09+00:00January 30th, 2023|General News|

Advanced Notification Stour Sailing Club AGM In compliance with section 6 of the SSC club constitution Rules and Bye Laws, and Rule 6.1.  I as Commodore, hereby give notice that the Clubs Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on 27th March 2023 at

30 01, 2023

Update on Photographic Competition/Mike Moss Trophy

2023-01-30T13:41:05+00:00January 30th, 2023|General News|

Update on Photographic Competition/Mike Moss Trophy  Just to keep you all informed as many have been inquisitive on when it is to be judged I am awaiting an update on availability of the judge this week hopefully. We have the received the following

24 01, 2023

Mike Moss Trophy and Photographic Competition

2023-01-24T09:57:28+00:00January 24th, 2023|Uncategorized|

Mike Moss Trophy & Photographic Competition Entries are now closed Thankyou for all your entries for the photographic competition and the articles of stories and blogs for the Mike Moss trophy, entries have now closed. Nothing now remains, than for the judges to

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