April Commodore’s Blog

Good afternoon everyone.

It’s some time since my last blog so as I look out of the office window thinking how lucky I am to be inside I shall proceed to give and share with you my update.

It’s been a busy time behind the scenes leaving some members in a quandary but now having resolved most of the panic you will gradually start to see the benefits of the new renewal process getting into full steam ahead. Not all the members are IT familiar so it could have been a bit daunting however with the advisers on hand and the drop-in sessions arranged 95% of the membership now have portals set up.

These hold all the data that you wish the club to hold, and more should you wish listing your boats equipment etc. qualifications and family members, next of kin emergency contacts, should it be needed in case of emergency etc. This also gives the facility to upload photographs which can be tagged to your portal of your crafts and yourself which gives evidence of your membership to SSC when visiting other RYA Affiliated Clubs.

This is a fantastic achievement to finally get this over the line and we look forward to expanding the system further with it linking other avenues with our current website. Appreciate that technology is not everybody’s hobby but its something that we need and focus on positively for the future management and simplicity of the club. So many thanks to all concerned in bringing this online so swiftly.

The website also allows the download of Tide Tables, and the Harwich Chart and information guide from Harwich Haven which we used to send with the membership pack but as this is all available online it has become an unnecessary expense. However, should you require the updated copy please ask at the bar or look in at the Parlour where there are copies with the 2023 tide tables. This also goes for our club Magazine Bowsprit where copies are in the parlour for all members and has some very interesting reading and reports from your committee. Should you require a hard copy and can’t make it to the club for one reason or another please email membership@stoursailingclub.co.uk and we can arrange a copy to reach you by some means.

Following the AGM, ‘Thank You’ members for again voting in your current committee for the ensuing year and the trust placed in them to efficiently and effectively run the club successfully as they had and have done previously. The appraise I gave on the past year performance as Commodore and Treasurer seemed sufficient and raised no queries or doubt that we as a committee / team had done our best for the club and its members for a successful and enjoyable outcome and long may that continue.

Last week saw a slight postponement to the clubs’ programmed activities and the weather delayed lift-in by 4 days but the crews saw the breaks in the weather and with the hard work and coordination of the organisers, riggers and Crane Driver saw 95% of boats lifted in on the Friday ready for the weekend. We now need to clear the compound of any old debris and get it ready for Tenders, Dinghy’s and Canoe storage and of course the sunshine weather. The new pontoons access proved invaluable, and the asset allowed a much smoother faster process getting the boats afloat and secure until taking them to their respective moorings where we didn’t have that facility in the past.

This didn’t deter some of the members and the season commenced with a shake-down cruise for quite a considerable number to Ipswich Waterfront who spent the night at the Haven Marina and a fine curry by all accounts in the Zynab Indian once again. Seems to now be the favourite place to go now which supports our yachtsmen and the large numbers when we visit. I’m told there was no stories to tell on this one, but the bar will be rife with rumours and banter no doubt on Wednesday night.

First week in May will see our Marquee being raised by the team all being well, and Coffee and Cake returning to the great outdoors for May 17th. This time proceeds raised through donations will be raised for Harwich Lifeboat where Sue and the team will hopefully deliver one day to the station in person.

Finally, the Coronation looms and the committee feels that with all the councils doing their own things that the club by putting on events may not get sufficient attendances. Manningtree Town High St will be closed, and celebrations will be taking place there courtesy of the Mayor and the council most of the day. The same with Mistley their celebrations are at Furze Hill, and Lawford are doing theirs at the Park. Details on signs and posters are displayed around the town areas.

The club will be open, and members are welcome to celebrate at the club if they choose to however this would also be dependent on suitable volunteers for manning the bar, where private and members celebrations can be shared.

13th May sees the start of the Haven Series yacht racing for all the Dovercourt Bay enthusiasts.

19th May is an anticipated cruise to Mersea, more info to follow nearer the time once details become known and confirmed.

20th & 21st May sees our smaller scale spring regatta take place in Manningtree with our Micro Fleet and any other takers that are willing for a fierce competitive event.

So, lots been going on and a fair bit coming up. All these events can’t be run without our teams of volunteers. If you’re new to the club and want to get involved please contact any of the committee members who can assist and advise on where & what you must do, and contact.

That’s all for now, looking forward to getting out there on the water and having some good fair weather.

See you there and stay safe!

Commodore Colin

Standing by