A  Something Different Sort Of Blog
As the heat and the excitement of the clubs biggest function of the year slowly dissipates things are still happening behind the scenes with the closing down of the event accounts while tidying and clearing up, replenishing the bar & beer stocks and putting everything away ready for the next one.  Thanks to all who assisted.
Fortunately we hadn’t had any accidents where people have fallen or tripped down the hole with the eroded concrete on the public slip but this has now been satisfactorily repaired along with the small retaining wall at the front of the club.
Notices have been put on three dinghy’s in state of disrepair and the owners have a month to make themselves known or they will now find themselves disposed of.
The two paddle board paddles that are now located in the parlour, still have not been located to their rightful owner either and the must belong to someone.
Last weekend was a busy time at the beach once again which was quite surprising.  MBP were doing sail training in Opi’s and Fevas, we had numerous boat movements with people working from the pontoon and visitors from Holland on overnight stays., and both the gig teams out on exercise rows.   Then only to add to the substantial increase of boat activity’s the mermaids bless ’em! had 150 swimmers in the water on their Defra campaign for sewage controls and cleaning up for bathing rights.  This was totally unplanned and I’m told that it was Defra that had changed the game plan however there were a lot of new people that were entering the water not using the etiquette that we have with our local Merfolk &  Maids.  We have had further discussions with them and the rules in place have been passed on where sailing craft and members do have priority, but we also do have to be aware that they are there or could be so please take care when coming into the hard and when taking craft in and out of the compounds.
Tonight was Neil’s birthday in the clubhouse, so Happy big one Neil and enjoy! Were the drinks on you ?
This week also saw members participating in Mersea weeks festivities, Stuart Howells took his New Dehlar round  “Dynamic”` with some SSC members on the crew list. Currently top of the leader board in the LH Cruisers A Fleet. (Don’t know if he is representing Stour Sailing Club or Harwich and Dovercourt Club) either way good luck to them. Also Robin Dutton is there with Strident a Norfolk folk boat in the classic Yachts and gaffers B Fleet.  Robin currently 2nd with 2 races to go and will be an interesting finish of the week to watch.
2 up and coming dates for the diary’s are 1st October the Harkers Yard rowing event more about that nearer the time from Caroline and 8th and 9th October the Micro Worlds event more about that nearer the time from Evie, where they will be calling on help and assistance again.
2 new members this month Kevin Higgins and John Noble both local and are family members so a warm welcome to you both and look forward to seeing you out and about in the club.
Just a little reminder things do go on in the club and should you not be getting notified or you’re not getting involved it’s not our fault.  Make your own inroads and make contact through the various secretary’s or let us know and plan your own trips if you want company on route.  If you don’t say we wont know!  How often do I hear if I’d have know I would have given you a hand?  Please get yourselves amongst it you’re in the same club all with the same interest of being and getting out on the water in one way or another.
Bar is open for beverages normal hrs apply for this penultimate Bank Holiday Weekend. Then it’s the last big one (Holiday)! (Before Christmas) 🙂(unless your retired) :🎅
So enjoy the weekend and have fun in the sun!
Commodore Colin