A Huge Thank You

Dear Members

This is just to say a huge thank you to all of you who helped in so many ways with the Regatta.

The weather was really not on our side this year and Saturday was particularly biblical. Lots of other events were cancelled but together you all pulled together to make it a Regatta that we will remember, and not just for the rain!

Although it wasn’t possible to hold the ‘have a go’ with paddle boarding, children’s sailing, and coracle, the sail racing and the rowing racing took place as planned and it was great to see young people out dinghy sailing on both days, despite the conditions.  We even had a few hardy people ‘have a go’ at rowing on Saturday despite the pouring rain.  The firework display on Saturday evening was the best that I can remember and perhaps more appreciated than usual as we weren’t certain until the last moment  that it would be able to go ahead.

On Sunday the sun shone for the  Mud Sports and Children’s Beach Takeover, even if we were in danger of getting blown away at times. It was fantastic to see so many people and families on the beach watching and taking part. There were long queues for cake and coffee on Sunday and despite the huge number of wonderful cakes everyone made, we virtually sold out. The Bar also did a roaring trade and the BBQ was much appreciated.

It was an amazing weekend and there has been loads of positive feedback, and that is very much down to all of you – we really couldn’t do it without you.

Thank you all


Caroline Cunningham

Rear Commodore

Stour Sailing Club