Commodore’s Note

We have received sad news of the recent death of Nick Poole.  For those of us who have been around long enough, we will recall that Nick and his late wife, Anne, were members of the Club some years ago before moving to Burnham.  Nick was a larger than life character in every sense of the term.  Whilst in these last years he was no longer sailing or racing he was involved with the Harkers Yard rowing events.

Theft and Interference with a Member’s Boat

In case you are not already aware I am sorry to have to report that an individual broke into the fuel store in the West Compound and stole 2 fuel tanks belonging to the safety boat.

On the same day 3 children went into the East Compound and tampered with a number of boats, eventually taking one of the boats out, letting it run down the slipway.  They then retrieved the boat and sent it back down the slipway for a second time.  A member of the public was seen (on CCTV) talking to these children who then departed.

Both of these incidents were captured on CCTV and a Police Forensics Officer came to the Club to view the CCTV coverage of the first incident but there was not sufficient clarity to make an identification, however, it was clear enough to show that the individual was wearing gloves – hence fingerprint analysis was not an option.

Both incidents have been reported on social media and in the local paper.

The Next Cake and Coffee Morning is 20th March

Push the Boat Out – May 18th

We have just commenced the planning for this event and we would like to hear from;

  • Any boat owners willing to take out members of the public in their vessels.
  • Any individuals who can help on shore based activities.

Thank you very much to those who have already put their names forward we really do appreciate your support.

Russell (Vice Commodore) will be looking to sign up as many people as possible at the AGM.

If you can help in any way please contact

Fitting Out Dinner – April 6th

I am afraid that if you have not booked your place for the dinner or the coach you have missed the boat as menu choices have gone in to Wivenhoe House today.  Book early next year!

AGM – March 28th

Hope you have the date in your diary!  You should have all received your membership packs, if you haven’t please contact Jenny (Membership Secretary) via email on

Sarah Howlett
