80th Annual General Meeting of the Stour Sailing Club

 I am very pleased to confirm that the AGM will be held using ZOOM on March 31st 2021 at 7.30 pm.  

The following papers relevant to the AGM are available on the Members’ Page of the Website, and have been sent by email to Members.

Minutes of the last held AGM (March 2019)

  • Audited Accounts
  • Commodore’s Report (outline)
  • SSC Renewal form
  • Proposed changes to the Club’s Constitution
  • Election of Committee members
  • Fees and Subscriptions
  • Voting Form
  • Notes on Voting

In advance of the AGM we will be holding an open forum meeting via Zoom on 17 March at 7.00pm where you can ask the Committee any questions about the Club.  We will also pick up any questions submitted on the voting paper.

ACTION to be completed by;

8 March 2021 – Complete the voting form and return it to AGM2021@stoursailingclub.co.uk or post it to Stour Sailing Club, 10 Quay Street, Manningtree, Essex, CO11 1BG.

30 April 2021 completed renewal forms to be emailed or posted as per above  along with fees paid.

Any questions please come back to me via email or on 07884973173.

Sarah Howlett


15 February 2021