Presidents Cup Race

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President’s Cup Race

Sunday 7th July 2024

First start: 12.00 (noon)

All welcome; Micros, Yachts, Classics, Canoes, SUPs, etc

If it floats we can get you a start!

Start will be down river from Hook (but upriver from #3)

No crowded club line or rounding of Royalty

12:00 (noon) first start

High water is 13:45

Starts every 5 minutes for defined classes

Number of starts dependent on entries

Course – same course for all classes

Advised on the day (and will be a simple lap)

Best average lap(s) provides the winner(s)

You sail/paddle the ‘lap course’ until finished after about 90 minutes

Further details will be posted on the web site

Prizegiving in the Club as soon as possible after the race

Entries please before race day to 07719 001774 on WhatsApp detailing

Boat name, Vessel type/class, Helm/Owner, contact no.

(if no WhatsApp then please call 01473 788887 with details)

Stour Sailing Club – President’s Cup Race 2024 – Sunday 7th July

An average lap race to provide an overall winner, be it a 10ft Classic, a deep-keeled overrigged Micro or a Smack (or a SUP)

Course details will be posted in the boat park at least an hour before the first start.

First start is scheduled for 12.00 (noon) but could be subject to change.

Starts will be scheduled for every 5 minutes with a ‘colour coded’ 5 minute raised for the defined 5 minutes before that start and removed at the start.

Start definitions and classed will be defined and displayed on the course board.

On the water:-

  • start line, somewhere between Hook and No.3, from a committee boat (expected to be an orange RIB)

– course to be sailed will be laps of a simple (approx. 4 mark) course with the start/finish line to be crossed on each lap

– all boats sail laps of the same course (single course set for all classes)

How it works:-

– several starts every 5 minutes for defined classes (dependent on entries, eg: Micro,

Cruisers, Dinghies, Classics)

– sail the prescribed course until finished

(the course will take you through the start/finish line each lap)

The results (and boring stuff):-

– the results are worked out on average lap times, taking into account boats’ start times and handicaps to give one overall winner

– these are based on the number of laps of the course sailed with elapsed times factored to represent the times they would have taken to sail the same number of laps as the fastest boat. These factored times are then corrected using the appropriate Portsmouth Number.

A boat sailing a lesser number of laps than another boat on the same PN shall have her corrected time further amended.

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