Hi All,
What a week, from one side of the world to the other, I can now report to you on some of the local events going on that I was unable to attend or missed out.
The cruising section had another trip to Levington (seems to be a popular location now) and the Micros are having their Thursday night sailing series race night disappointing last night only 2 boats out but believe there was no dispute who was the winner.
Coffee and cake was again well attended although I hadn’t advertised it so well this time and raised £70.00 for the We Care Wild Life Charity.
Since the last blog the sad funerals of past members have all been concluded however all we now have are memories of the times that we had together.
Last blog I wrote :- For those that have been lucky or unlucky to been on the Stour water or in it, the water has gone from being incredibly clear to a very dark brown silted messy colour. This has been reported to the environmental agency help line and they are looking into this. It doesn’t appear to be sewerage but will be tested for as well as the possible discharge of other wastes that could possibly be finding its way into our local waters. I have had no follow up from EA and it is a continuing saga Should you find yourselves with time please make a call and record a complaint the more they have the more likely of a speedy response The number for complaints is 03078 506506 and is open from 8am to 6.00pm
Great to see so many taking advantage of the summer Wednesday Night Bar openings it was very well attended and don’t forget if you are or want to be bar trained, please contact Richard so we can give the regular volunteers a bit of a break.
Richard is going to serve you again tonight from 6 till 9pm so come on down and give him some company as I know there may be many folk away for the weekend on their cruisers.
Following the notification of clearance Thanks to all who obliged with getting the east compound clear which now, we can start to prepare to sort out and clean the start hut do some needy repairs and testing and plan for a suitable time to erect the marquee once again.
Dredging operations in the week are still being maintained around the Mistley quay and Marine area so be aware when in around that area of larger vessel movements.
It seems we have had an incident where a member has slipped on the west hard when exiting his Dinghy, please be particular careful in this area, It is prone at the moment of silting up and Mud residue after every tide and a bit green. If we could get a small working party with yard brooms on an ebb tide it wouldn’t take long to eliminate and bring the surface back to clean concrete finish. Jerry Garner has done this chore for many years and I now feel sure he could appreciate assistance or extra hands to make it easier.
Lastly The afternoon tea numbers need to be finalised this week we have a good number attending this delightful venue for afternoon delights so its Wednesday 12th June circa 1.30-2.00 till 4pm at Wivenhoe house, and the cost is £27.50 per head. Please put your name down on the board and make payment to the club account or Text Louise for more last-minute details on 07889 104564.
All for now
Enjoy the sunshine and stay safe and well
Commodore Colin