Afternoon All

Happy Friday, it’s been a bit of a brutal week spent battening down the hatches in anticipation of a couple of days plus of wild weather, thanks to Storm Ciarán. Hopefully, you all have got away lightly and sustained little damage.

The Lift out team again led by  (Will L and Kelvin H ) picked the right days to get the job done and additionally have configured the yard to accommodate as many boats as possible. So now the hard work again commences of maintenance, preparation and upgrades ready for the 2024 season.

Please if you’re taking last years bits and bobs,  rubbish and shale from your craft please take it home and dispose of it and don’t leave it in the yard for others to do so. We also don’t want to block the drainage. The running of, electric extension leads and hoses are famous trip hazards so please be aware of others and if their yours keep them tidy, we don’t want any unnecessary injuries or accidents please.  The yard will still be used for access for people whose boats are still on the water and also our sturdy rowers who continue throughout the winter months so please keep that in mind should you put out any obstructions etc . Thanks to all who assisted,  and especially our crane contractor and their banksman and slingers.

Quick visit from the Air Ambulance on Wed following an incident in the High Street with a gentleman suffering a heart condition, hopefully he will make good recovery, and that evening a intoxicated driver crashed into other cars along the walls lots more flashing lights but unaware of any injuries sustained, but cars were not looking in great shape?

Next day further visits in Quay St with ambulances following another incident with a resident, so please be aware in this area at this time of the year of emergency traffic movement’s if proceeding on foot and if in a car don’t obstruct the roadway and always allow clearance for access. You never know one day it might or could be for you!


Friday / Tonight sees Big Will L on the bar and he will be available to serve you and spin yarns of some super seafaring activities and who knows he may have some of his special cheesy nibbles on offer.

Thankfully, it looks as though the weather will calm down ready for Bonfire Night – a favourite time of the year for some, our Bangers and Bangers night on Saturday have many names down for attendance so look forward to seeing you then which could be a bit of a squeeze. We will be watching the Suffolk firework display in Brantham from the Essex side of the river so a good safe distance away and a good social get together.

For those that have frequented the bar lounge recently the screen on the wall is noticeable and is not a TV screen. This is a notice advertising board which is updated daily with any information that is obtained by the secretary on water, club, events or matters that need to be brought to the members attention. Items for sale or concerning items for the Town ?? so always worth a glance of seeing what’s happening in not only in Manningtree but also in our region.


Finally, a reminder for anyone who is a member of the RYA you would have received notification of the RYA conference now called RYA Connected on Sat 25th November 8.45 -4pm at Royal Hospital School. Booking needs to be undertaken online and you cannot just turn up, so if you wish to go book in now if you’re a member. If you go to the web site for RYA East you can see a schedule of the event and a full agenda for the day with pop ups, presentations, plenary sessions, and workshops.

So have a good week and try and stay dry.

