Hi Everyone

Not been about for a while but a lot going on behind the scenes so with my vacation now complete and to keep you all in the loop so to speak here goes !!

Another big event this weekend it’s the commencement of Harker’s Yard Winter Race Series where SSC has the opportunity to host and kick of this prestigious start to the biggest rowing event on the East Coast Rivers.  Come and show your support to some fine racing and should you wish to offer some assistance in some shape or form it will never be turned down. Let’s hope that the conditions stay fine for the crews on the day.

With this being the final of the major events and as we see the last of the long summer evenings the marquee will be arranged to come down. This will be led by Will L and his team of helpers anyone willing to also lend a hand please make contact with him direct to arrange dates and time’s.

This will hopefully put a temporary end to the gatherings that have been brought to the club’s attention where groups are using it for sheltered late night meet ups using the facilities for drinks and social occasions These are often non members but a certain few have spoilt it for the rest being disruptive and ASB (Anti-social behaviour)has crept into the neighbourhood creating disturbances and complaints. The committee will review on what actions are necessary if any for next year.

Lift out and storage has already been notified to you and is also being dealt with by Will L, make sure you book in early to avoid disappointment as when its full,  its full!

In my absence the Container roof has been wire brushed and painted for protection of hopefully another 5 years thanks to Will L again and some super white lining marking out the dinghy allocations on the tar mac done by Tim G.

The quick change of codes seems to have worked well and members are now familiar with the new access arrangements, please be extra cautious when giving these out and only to current members please. This is to avoid having unexplained strangers accessing our club areas.

October 13th is new date for Curry Cruise last one for the season. This has also gone out to members before, but if you’re coming, please get your details to David L so he can finalise the arrangements, these things need to be done to also avoid disappointment. These have always been fun trips and this one won’t be any different with hopefully a group of familiar faces, new members and boat owners.

Good to see members wearing a variety of club and personalised branded clothing all the details on the web site for how to purchase. Get you list together Santa is only round the corner.

Forgot this one on the last blog , but David Cleveland local author historian and club member has a new book out about Manningtree and surroundings , its currently on sale in Navistich in the High St. Very reasonably priced and lots of things in the shop also to browse, so worth a look.

Tonight, we have a special appearance 6pm –9ish pm behind the bar with James Bolton attending to your Wherry and Cocktails, with a special offer on vegetarian pork scratchings, so get there early while stocks last.

Talking of bar which is a great way of increasing our communications and chatting, but it seems sometimes that people are not reading what’s on the notice boards any longer , SO as a trial we have a communication screen which will have information club changes and details ,events weather tides etc on a screen where updates will be made within less than 24 hrs so this will also keep you better informed of all the going On’s apart from the blog, but that’s only if your in the bar., and of course if its open. There is a lot of interesting stuff on there and there is loads more to go.

So, all you volunteer’s and bar trained people please help to get the roster completed for those forthcoming winter nights and weekends where some may have to only look forward to walking the dog in the dark.

So, leave the dog at home , come down the club and do your duty and reminisce on the warm summer boating experiences of last season with your fellow boaters and plan for the next ones.

Hope I’ve covered everything if haven’t I am bound to get told ?

All for now

Commodore Colin