Good Afternoon Everyone.

Another Blog to keep you all in the loop of what’s going on and what’s been done at the club.

Firstly, I’m so glad that so many of you are finding these beneficial and informative.  I know we may not capture everything or mention certain people’s efforts but it’s better to keep it bite sized than exhaustive and boring.

Thanks to all those members that corresponded on the tightening up usage and the introduction of guidelines for the pontoons it was extremely gratifying and to know that we have your support. The committee will be looking at this in the forthcoming meetings but for now we will still look at the being fair and reasonableness terms for the usage.

Enough said and I will report back further in due course.

Well, it’s been a short week and I hope you all had a good last of the Bank Holiday weekends. Sunday saw the 21-mile race with some quite strange conditions and to conclude with an appalling downpour which left visibility at almost nil for a short time. I’m sorry but I have yet to be informed of the winner but when known we can put out on separate cover.  I’m told it all went well but as normal the stop at Wrabness awaiting sufficient water for the home leg was the worst bit.

This weekend 3rd Sept sees the Presidents race which has already previously gone out under its own mail shot which starts off at Hook Buoys at about 13.15 so get your entries in for that one should you be interested. 3 classes Micros , Cruisers and Classics with a post-race BBQ for race entrants and volunteers who are around afterwards.

Advance Notification Coffee and Cake is back for 20th September and this one is associated with the McMillan nurses appeal so could be the last one outside under the Marquee.

With Secretary hat on we have been in discussions with Decathlon stores and if anyone is contemplating purchase of sports equipment for sailing, rowing, running or general keep fit etc. from store or website they are willing to offer member discounts contact should you require the link to pursue. In time I will try and make it available direct on the website, or . Share this link [] please ensure you put the name- Stour Sailing Club on the form, and they can pick this up at their end.

As I hope you are all aware as we now face the end of summer and entering cooler times, the fear of the new covid strain variant is gradually expanding.  Eris symptoms, a sore throat, and a runny nose are the two most common symptoms of the latest strain of Covid.  Eris is a strain of the Omicron Covid variant, which is known to spread quickly.  The Zoe health study, which sees people log their symptoms on an app, estimates a total of 808,140 people have symptomatic Covid in the UK.  It says the total number of new daily cases in the UK now sits at 64,596 – a figure which has been rising slowly since the start of July.  Zoe says the virus is spreading fastest in Northern Ireland – followed by Scotland, Wales, the West Midlands, the Southwest, the Northeast, and London.  So, I’m suggesting,  to ensure cleanliness within the club wash hands and use hand gel etc and use a degree of caution to avoid catching or spreading it within our networks of friends and companies.  1. Sore throat 2. Runny nose 3. Blocked nose 4. Sneezing 5. Dry cough 6. Headache 7. Wet cough 8. Hoarse voice 9. Muscle aches 10. Altered smell.  As we don’t want to get back to the old covid days that we remember only in a distant memory let’s be careful out there.

Still not received any thing regarding the post of the boat ashes and photograph washed up on the Co-op rock walls which is disappointing not to be able to trace the owners.

Keep an eye out also for info on winter storage lift out and laying up of boards and emails / web site.

Bit about me. ! I had the pleasure of Kelvin H company on board Ria which we sailed back from its Brighton berth back to Suffolk over last weekend leaving early Saturday morning and after a good hearty Spoons Breakfast,  berthed in Suffolk the following day with a brief overnight stop at Dover.  Some difficult conditions encounted and the craft coped well.  Kia is a Beneteau 281 which we motor sailed 134 Nm with a time of 1 day & Hrs and an Ave speed of 4.5knts which we found very comfortable and I and Mrs Commodore are looking forward to sailing her round here in local waters.

I have asked for bar assistance tonight as it has been closed for the last 2 Fridays, who knows it could be me? (If you’re there)

I think that’s enough for now.

Commodore Colin

Standing By.!