Manningtree Town Regatta 2023
Sail Racing
It is no surprise that the core element of the Regatta is Sail Racing!
This year will be no exception with Sail Races scheduled for both days of the Regatta.
High Water is at 15:45 on Saturday 5th August and 16:29 on Sunday 6th August. Both days are big tides of over 4 metres.
Racing on the Saturday will be the Pursuit Race with the first start at 13:45. The Race finishes at the fixed time of 15:45.
Sunday will feature Class racing with the first start at 14:50. Along with the usual Classes of boats (Micros, Dinghies, Cruisers and Classics) we are also hoping to hold a race for under 16s.
Entry Forms should be returned by Monday 31st July – ideally by email to Alternatively they may be placed in the Committee Post Box in the Club House marked as ‘Regatta Entries’.
Entries are £10 per Boat per race or £5 for Solo Sailors. Entry fees must be paid at Registration prior to racing either by cash or card.
Race Information and Entry Forms can be found using the links to the right.
Sail Racing 2023Webmaster2023-07-26T14:48:23+01:00