Commodore’s January Blog


It was commented on that there has been no blog prior to Christmas and with almost 1/12 into our new year I thought maybe I should share a few things with you.
But Firstly, I hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year celebrations and I also greet you all well.
It was a bit disappointing but due to the number of entries and for making it slightly more competitive we had to extend the close off date for the photographic competition and the also the Mike Moss trophy blogs. This closed on the 22nd Jan however the judge has gone sick and also has had other family bereavements to contend with so the announcement of winners will also be delayed until further notice when the judge can inform me further of his availability.

Hopefully you are all aware that the dinner dance for also the valentine retreat celebrations had to be postponed however hopefully interest ay pick up in the summer with warmer and lighter evenings it may be more eventful to hold a Autumn Dinner Dance at the same venue. With a bit of luck and I can only hope this that maybe one of our new members may wish to see themselves as the next budding social secretary which would help the committee out no end.
The bar program which we posted from 22nd Dec seemed to go down well and thanks to all the people who volunteered their services in serving and running the bar over the festive period. Big hand to Chris Thomas who not only had his birthday at the club worked the bar and also provided some top quality food for his guests and sailing club members. So Happy Birthday Chris seems ages ago and thanks for the food, and I think everyone had a good time.
The rowers and walkers did their annual get together trip to the pink house where mince pies again cake and mulled wine was consumed, this is on the entrance to the Pink House lagoon where there is a small raised island.
Very typical of the rowers who like a yarn were unaware of the tide rising as the island soon became none existence and wet feet were then inevitable, so it was a quick dash to the boats after the clear up of cups and flasks then off back to the club. Good fun had by all!

So since the festive season not a great deal happening you think? Wrong, the access gate to the pontoons has been installed to give more security and prevent public access for various reasons onto the pontoons which are there for members and visitors only. This still has a couple of adjustments to make but gives off now a strong message that if you’re not a member you shouldn’t be there. A further fence will also be installed in the forthcoming months where I may be looking for a couple of volunteers for some assistance.
The access walkway to the pontoons is also now almost complete and will hopefully be put into position temporarily by early March when the weather warms up and were free of snow, frost, and storms. Which will give safe and secured access and egress at all states of the tide. We are also working on a written policy for visitors and members using the facilities and the fees chargeable for the service. Built into the design is the facility are services of Water and Electricity for low load items only, and as added security extra HD CCTV will be added to the current club system being installed next month. There is a further pontoon which has been constructed as a working pontoon which will also be of ideal use for sail training and utilised by My Blue Pass in the summer months and of course other activities.

Moving on as I’m running out of paper it would be remiss of me to not mention the coffee and cake mornings which are still proving very successful in the winter months where the last event collected £100 for the local Salvation Army Homeless Appeal. A very worthwhile cause and for local people less fortunate. Well done all those that volunteer again to make it so successful. Next on is on Wed 15th Feb 23 where any donations made will go to the Manningtree First Responders. You never know when you might need them and they too are a voluntary service. Please put it in your diary’s for the third Wednesdays of the month.

It is with great pleasure that I can safely say that I have passed on one of my hats after 4 years. My role as treasurer, this has now been passed onto James Bolton. James took over in December 22 at the start of the club’s financial year, His details can be found on the Web Site and the club notice boards in the entrance of the club. James will be fine asset to the club for his astuteness and eye to detail on all financial implications going forward. Please note: he will not undertake any loans or finances for vessels, crafts or large rounds at the bar.
Were still on the hunt for other members interested in committee posts, make yourself known please if you would like to come aboard or offer your services for consideration.
So, next big event is set then,
In compliance with section 6 of the SSC club constitution Rules and Bye Laws, and Rule 6.1.
I as Commodore, hereby give notice that the Clubs Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on 27th March 2023 at the Upstairs in the Red Lion South Street at 7.30 pm. People can congregate beforehand and sort any issues with membership and collect their packs prior, from 6pm.
The Agenda, Accounts which have previously been posted within the club and any further details will be made available under separate notice and email where appropriate.
So until the next blog then It’s time for me to sign off.

Over and out
Kind Regards Colin G Commodore