Good Morning Everyone

On this very dull overcast morning I bring you glad tidings and the December Commodore Blog.
Apologies for its lateness but things have been a bit hectic of recently. Following another successful
lift out the estuary is relieved itself now of many craft and the compound has been pieced together
like a fine jigsaw thanks to the organisers Kelvin H and Will L and all the others that made it
The shed that was on its last legs has now been suitably replaced with a more suitable
weatherproof container which has been suitably racked out for storage with suitable
electrics. This will give long standing value low if any maintenance and added security for
stored items.
Last blog I asked for entries for the The Mike Moss Trophy (Current Holder Keith Paxman) is
again at this time up for grabs where members will write a blog on their summer
experiences on travels etc. to share with the members. The winner is the recipient of the
auspicious plate trophy and the article gets published in Bowsprit in the spring edition. So
start compiling your notes and article now! (no 5* holiday sorry)
Same goes for the annual Photographic Competition where there are 5 categories and the
winning prints will be framed and put up in the club bar area. These consist of the following
categories: –
1, Reflection or landscape view, 2, Black and White, 3, Night category, 4, Boat Category, 5,
Animal category. Send your shot entries in with your name / contact and where it was taken
and which category you wish it to be entered to make it easy please.
Both these need to be received by the closing date 9
th January 2023 with Winners
announced 29th January2023. (Please place in the committee post sleeve by the board at the
top of the stairs)
To date nothing has been received
As its getting closer the most Important prestigious event of the year is the Dinner Dance at
Wivenhoe House again 18th February 2023 this year also linked with the Valentine
weekend, the details are now on the board with menu choices etc. Its (black tie optional) 3
course dinner, Prosecco on arrival. Disco and background music provided and live
saxophonist Jonny Poole will be doing his stuff. £45.00 per head.
Coach transport will be provided from various pick up points on route (no detours) at
additional cost optional to make travelling easier and safer. Or Options of staying overnight
are available where room discounts for our event will be given by WH but you will need to
I am hoping that the tables will organise themselves so why not be a table manager and
host it with 4 other couples? so the intention is for 10 tables of 10 people. 4 tables have
already gone and confirmed so let’s get thinking to getting this party started. I can get a
further 2 if demand is exceptional. This for all members Sailors Rowers Fishermen Canoeists
Paddle Boarders and social members, so don’t be shy and see what the other lot do and an
opportunity to meet others especially good time to get introduced to the new members.
This is on the board at the top of the stairs where the menu choices can be made and seats
reserved please get your names down asap and money paid into the club account to avoid
disappointment. Stour Sailing Club sort code 20-19-97 acc no 23851990 reference DD Please
at extremely last resort NO Cheques.
The bar is a very festive place thanks to Liza and Mr and Mrs Lodge in getting all the
decorations and trees in place. Which makes it a fine place to be . Over the Christmas period
the bar will open as follows and this depends greatly on volunteers so those who have bar
training please put your name down where we have the gaps and assist if possible.
The Christmas program is as follows
Thurs 22nd Dec Rowers evening in parlour and bar
Fri 23rd Dec Normal openings
Sat 24th Lunch time Chris Thomas Private function and invites only in bar and
Sat 24th Evening bar open volunteers needed
Sun 25th Lunchtime only till 3pm Evening closed John Kelly and David Medway
Mon 26th Lunchtime only Volunteers needed
Tues 27th Pink House row or walk Mulled wines and snacks Bar open as norm
Volunteers needed
Wed 28th Commodore Potatoes & Prosecco and lunch time
Wed Night Normal opening 6pm -9.00pm
29-30st Normal openings
31st New Year’s eve nothing organised bar opening volunteers needed
Sunday 1t
Jan hopefully open volunteers needed if not it will be closed
So hopefully see you all at some time point over the festive period, thanking you all for your
support and assistance for myself and of course the club over the last year and hoping it will
continue for the future.
Wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous
new year for 2023.
Stay warm well and safe
Colin G