Good Morning Everyone.
As the evenings close in and the warm sunny weather is soon to be a distant memory I find that with all the goings on I haven’t done a blog for a while informing the members of what has gone on and what’s due in the future months. So here it is.
I trust you’re all well and that the summer was as much fun and active for you as it was for me. We know that its drawing to a close when the Marquee comes swiftly down 26/27 Sept and the compound gets prepared once more for boat storage. Well done to Will L, and his new team of helpers on this occasion.
Firstly, let me introduce some proposed changes to the committee, both are co-opted and long awaited and finally we have James Bolton who will be taking over the purse strings as Treasurer from myself, also Evie Clements who now takes over the role of Sailing Secretary from Ed Harvey. While welcoming them on board and wishing them well in their new posts we must not forget to give thanks to the outgoing members for their hard work and commitment in the past. Their numbers and contact details will be on the updated board in the hallway in due course.

Wed 17th August Coffee and cake morning was a very successful day a donation of £75 was donated to the Manningtree food bank and on 21st September Sue and her team arranged the coffee morning in conjunction with the Macmillan appeal where £150 was raised, Next one is 19th October which will be inside the club house and the proceeds will be going to the club and not a charity on this occasion. Thank you all so much for the support that you give to making this event so successful.
Sept 11th saw the long awaited Presidents Cup race another successful event left in the capable hands of our previous Commodore Sarah H. 17 Boats made it to the start line with the winner being Robin Dutton in his new classic boat. The cup and prizes were presented by Di (Gerry Brown ex-President Widow) and a BBQ with good weather was enjoyed by all. As usual nothing would have been achieved without the help of the members. So many to list but you all know who you are from OOD’s to burger flippers.

24th September saw the trying again of unlocking the Mistley Quay fence, many locks were attached but the fence still remains in situ after long standing campaigning of its removal.

HYGA event on 25 September saw a mass delivery of Rowing Gigs to the Quay St area SSC hosted the event and the planning of making the event stand out within the HY organisation was all down to Caroline’s fine planning and detail, and all the members that assisted with the waterborne activities and food prep and serving also made the day so eventful.

29th September saw Liza’s quiz on an expansive front with now 4 teams competing in the mastermind extravaganza. Bit of fun on a Saturday night, where would you rather be!! Next one to be arranged soon, so get your team prepared and come down and support.

This weekend 8/9th Oct is the Micro Worlds where our fleet of competitive keel boaters will be battling out once again for the auspicious silver trophy in the cabinet. Its intending to have at least 8-10 craft out for 2 days of challenging courses. So worth admiring some of the talent and colourful displays from the shoreline should you wish to spectate and of course a beer or two after is always a good idea.

15-16 Oct is the Curry cruise to Ipswich, Watch the board for details times etc Evie Ted and Mark dealing with this but has always been good fun and has so many memorable occasions as well as the sailing on another river always makes an interesting report.

As you probably know we don’t offer in house youth sail training but we work now in a collaboratively manner with the Manningtree charity organisation My Blue Pass. You may have seen the string of optimists being towed out down river to a suitable training area. Following a meeting with their Senior Management team we were able to share the data from their 2022 program and their achievements which amazingly gave 112 children this year 187 sailing experience’s which they wouldn’t have been able to do without the use of SSC facilities. These are all mostly arranged during weekdays without detriment to the club or its members. So it’s great to see the facilities being used and its welcoming to see the children getting the experience’s and learning that will carry them forward in the sport in years to come hopefully. Note for you all, if you didn’t already know Kelvin Howlett has decided to retire from his post on Hasa (Harwich Area Sailing Association) and as from the AGM held on 22nd September 2022 the reins were handed over as Stour Committee representative to Pete Elliston. His role will be to coordinate all clubs, sailing, River and Environmental issues for the River Stour and the Harwich Estuary. Good luck to Peter and Big Thanks for Kelvin for all the work he put in during his long term service.

Also Good time to mention lots of new members joining the club just recently, so welcome all and look forward to seeing you at some of the events soon or generally around the club. I would like to mention them all but there are too many on this occasion. Don’t forget, that the new bar rota is on the board so look at the vacant slots those that have had the relevant bar training and offered their services please get your name down for those spare shifts to share the load especially Friday evenings. Always nice to see old and new faces while a good opportunity to meet new people and members.

So keep your eyes on the notice board for future events and get your names down when required when places are limited 15th 16th Oct Curry Cruise (Evie Ted and Mark) 19th Oct Coffee and cake (Sue Mather and Team) 29th Quiz night to be confirmed (Liza Hicks} 5th Nov Bangers and mash night (Will Langton and Kelvin Howlett) 18th Nov Saucy sausage and chicken night (Sarah Howlett, Pete Crabtree,) 22,23,24th Nov Lift Out (Will Langton and Kelvin Howlett) 18th February 2023 SSC Dinner Dance Wivenhoe House more details nearer the time (Black Tie) optional Who said that there is nothing going on!!! Well that’s all for now, make good use of the remaining sunny days if you can on the water.

Stay safe and see you all soon.

Commodore Out!