Hi Everyone
I hope that this blog finds you all safe and well and your all still enjoying the weather. I haven’t realised how fast the time flies and due to so many club activities happening I missed out on issuing a July Blog.
9th July unfortunately saw us having to cancel the long established 21-mile race due to lack of participants, very disappointing for Chris Whittington who although it being cancelled, did the previous course of 2019 anyhow for a trip out and led from start to finish.
9th July also saw another club quiz night again light on support so come along and try and use your skills to stop the lucky running streak of David Lodge Associates. Next one is hopefully Sunday August 21st all being well and confirmed with the quizmaster.
16th 17th July saw the Regatta, and where best to start is with an almighty thank you to all those that again voluntarily gave help & assistance. Without the help it couldn’t go ahead and VC Caroline needs all the help she can to get right down to some of those really essential and some menial tasks with admin starting and finishing, rescue boats, coffee and cakes, the barbecue, the bar, beach cleaning, and not forgetting Neptune, and his assistants. A very pleasurable weekend where lots of Ale and wines were supped and water sports were enjoyed by all even the smallest of tots. The weather did have also a big part to play but so did our sponsors which we are eternally grateful for their contributions to the event and the magnificent Dynamic Firework display which all went swimmingly without any issues or glitches. Fantastic team, same again for next year.
For those that have noticed another thanks to another couple of volunteers Ian & Alan who have painted all the black railings of the clubhouse and also the east compound rails. It certainly smartens up the appearances.
22,23,24th July saw that the club lends out the compound as it has done for the last 17 years for the annual Beer Festival. Another super well organised event and immensely supported again without any issues or glitches. Again the weather saw record breaking figures of attendances and gradually turning into a 2-day event as opposed to the 3 that’s originally planned due to early sell out. Which is better than pouring away waste!
Not to forget. The Gigs had a fine row out on the Deben taking in some other changes in river delights. I am told all went well and more are planned for during the summer. The popularity of rowing is growing immensely and with our limitation of craft and seat availability it pays to notify and book in advance which Caroline has all the details
Well that’s the history, so what’s going on in the immediate future
Lots of birthdays and memorable occasions weddings anniversaries etc. are all happening which may mean there may be some short notice cancellations of events.
5th Aug Cruise to Lowestoft unfortunately no one has expressed an interest so no block bookings have been confirmed to Royal Norfolk and Suffolk Yacht club for berthing. So should you choose to go you, are responsible for making your own arrangements. Don’t forget to take some pictures along the route and fwd to the web site or face book page.
9th 10th Aug a group of members headed up by David Lodge, are heading up to Ipswich Marina for an overnight stay leaving Manningtree at 9.00am and returning on the following evening tide.

I’m sure that the event won’t be at all dry and food and refreshment’s have been arranged for the Tues night at the Lord Nelson in Fore St. Contact David should you wish to join them.
13th August is supposed to be the Presidents Cup race, this may not be possible and will be probably postponed.
Wed 17th August Coffee and cake morning gives you that early morning boost. Come down hopefully in the marquee again and see Sue and her team, this event has been so successful and goes from strength to strength and without your support we couldn’t make our donations possible to benefit our local charities. On this occasion any proceeds will be going to the Manningtree Food Bank a very worthy cause!
While the current sailing programme is set up and in situ due to commitments the current sailing Secretary is looking for a replacement so if you are upset or concerned that there are no sailing events that appear to be happening please feel free to come forward and express your interest to join in and take on this very important committee role and organise the remaining events, with the possibility and opportunity of introducing other trips and get-together’s for the rest of the season.
Micro Yacht racing summer series the owners seem to look after themselves and 8/10 doesn’t happen.?? On the water. Generally, any wind shifts and wet stuff over the bow is conducted in the bar on a wed night only it seems.
That’s it generally! there are some new members that have joined our club, the best sailing club in the area by miles, so should you see new faces please express a warm welcome and chat through introductions please.
The next large event for the diary for competitors and or spectators will be the Harker’s Yard Gig Series race on 25th September. You don’t have to be a rower to offer any, or volunteer your services so do come along and get involved. You never know you may even like it. Caroline and others will be on hand to assist.
The new bar rota is up on the board for August and September it is there for you to decide your shifts. If you have been trained in bar practices and said that you will assist, please do so as its good to see new faces serve you only if it is only once in a while.
So until the next one, enjoy the water and or any other activities that you’re doing.
Stay Safe & I hope to see you all soon
Colin G